I know its hard to accept, but Ret was overpowered on Beta. Other classes could see it. Rets could see it. I could see it, as both holy and ret, on the giving and receiving ends of the stick.
JotW nerf
Rogues and Warriors have limiting mechanics. A warrior can't walk up to you and hit you continuously with 5 Mortal Strikes. A rogue cannot walk up to you and smack you with 5 backstabs. They have to walk up to you and then wait for their rage to build up before they can deal out the pain. Paladins could walk and bam bam bam, repeatedly. They had to curb us somehow, the mana is our limiting factor.
Also, I don't buy the mana burn argument. If the priest or warlock is able to mana drain you, you and your partner are doing something wrong. Between repentance, hammer of justice, knockback and partner assist these two should never be pumping endless mana burns into you. And even if they do manage to, you divine plea stun judgement and bam you're back to half mana. I repeat, if you're getting mana burned to death, your partner and you need to get better at co-ordinating with each other. BGs dont matter, they're fair play for anything. A priest can walk up and mana burn you, but you can walk up and 4 shot him while hes drinking.
Judgement Nerf
Burst damage was too much, as i said. Nerfing judgement was probably not the best way to do it, but it got the job done. Blizzard has said that they'll bring holy and prot damage back up when the ret numbers are in, so calm down. Your damage will be back.
All the arguments about "omg i can't level as holy now" are foolish. Apparently you somehow managed to level 1-70 as holy with the old judgement system and this was not a problem? Leveling and farming as holy is infinitely now than it used to be.
Avenger's Wrath nerf
Its understandable. Its not fun going 100->0 when you're stunned. Its just as boring to die 100->0 while your opponent is immune. There should be some decision process between the two, not point and fire. Its not fun getting killed by it, and personally I can't imagine how it would be fun killing with it. What's the point of the hunt, if there's no challenge to the chase?
Finally, a word to all,
From the point of view of a holy paladin, I have been impressed with Blizzard's attempts to revitalize the paladin class. Playing on beta, i could FEEL the difference of utility, power and mobility compared to TBC. We have more toys and more choices to make now than we did ever before. Blizzard has done a tremendous job shaping up the new paladin, across all specs. Each of our specs has undergone a massive overhaul greater than almost every other spec. The only spec that even comes close to how much of an overhaul we got is Boomkin, which has had its tree trimmed up and down.
Even with the recent nerfs in the past 2 weeks, we have received HUGE buffs going from TBC to Wrath, proportionally much bigger than any other spec in the game.